In the Days of Malachi

In the Days of Malachi

with Danny Dodd

Happy New Year—almost. No better place to be on the last Sunday of the year, than to be here worshipping our great God. Thank you for your faithfulness. I pray that we never take assembling together for the purpose of praise, encouragement and fellowship for granted. Thank you for prioritizing worship today.

Our daily Bible reading program ends this week. I hope it has been a rewarding experience for you. Based on the feedback I heard regularly, many of you hung in throughout the year. For me it was an enriching experience digging into texts that typically I might not. I know I have grown as a result. Please do not stop this wonderful habit now because the calendar changes. There are numerous Bible study and reading programs available. Find one that works for you and dedicate 2019 to another round of reading “Thy Word!”

How do you feel about New Year’s resolutions? The turn of the calendar into a new year really can offer time for reflection leading to a decision to make changes. If we commit those changes to the Lord and ask him to empower us to accomplish them, then it could be a tremendous boost to our spiritual health. So invite God to work through and in your resolutions. He can turn little seeds of faith into giant trees. Give him that opportunity in 2019.

On February 1-2 we will host ReConnect Weekend marriage retreat with Owen and Lauren Mitchell. It is a laugh and learn mini-retreat and workshop designed to give couples a chance to take time out and enjoy their marriage. By focusing on the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of their relationship, couples will enhance their commitment, improve their communication, and re-energize their marriage. Tom and Susan Cloninger are the point persons for this event. It promises to be a wonderful weekend. Please check out the details inside this bulletin and plan to participate.

As a part of my 2019 preaching theme, “Others,” a few Sunday adult Bible classes will begin next week using a video-based series entitled “Significant Others,” which focuses on other world religions and how we can engage them. Be sure to check out our full class schedule as we begin the year.

I do wish you and your family a wonderful and bountiful New Year in the Lord. I also pray that God will bless you in every way to make 2019 a productive year for the Levy church. I pray that we all can allow God to utilize our gifts to the maximum to help the kingdom grow and influence our community.

I love you church!