Reaching the Coming Generations

Reaching the Coming Generations


“Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise” (James 5:13). Singing is one way we will praise God together this morning! Join your voice and your heart with ours and together let’s honor our God!

And as I usually say—thank you for worshipping with us. Thank you for prioritizing being here. Thank you for the encouragement of your presence. It is a wonderful blessing!

Generations Next! What are we doing to reach the next generations? This is a crucial question to ask. Part of sharing our faith is sharing it with those who follow us. To do so we have to be sensitive to the times, that is, how these generations—the Millennials and Gen Z—process truth and best communicate. We certainly do not want to neglect or ignore either and allow another generation to grow up not knowing God (Judges 2:10). This morning—reaching “Generations Next” will be addressed by Clay Smith and Danny Sullivan. I pray that this will be a springboard to even greater discussion and action.

April dates to remember! I will be putting this in front of you often in order to keep them fresh and remind you of two special Sundays. Friend Day is scheduled for April 15th. Please commit to be here with a friend. Then on Sunday, April 29 it will be Cardboard Testimonial Day. (We need participants for this—so please see me.) Keep these dates in your thoughts and prayers.

Are you still reading Thy Word? I hope so! I continue to hear positive feedback about our Bible reading program. Reading through the Bible is an exciting journey—full of surprise, insights, and blessings. Reading strengthens our relationship with our Father in heaven and stimulates personal spiritual growth. So keep it up and if you are behind—don’t sweat it, but don’t stop either!

Enrollment is now open at Levy Christian Kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. This is a terrific Levy ministry! If you are interested please see Sherrie Cook.

I appreciate all of the Levites who are so dedicated to be foster and/or adoptive parents. What an incredible way to make a lasting difference in the lives of children. Thank you!

Have an amazing week sharing your faith and inviting people to worship with you. If you are hesitant to do so—give it a shot. God will bless your efforts!

I love you church!