Others in Matthew, class 8: Mt. 18:15-35 – The Mercy Needers
The “Others” in this week’s lesson are different from
any others we have considered to this
point. These others are not “other” because they are different than or distant
from us. In fact, they are likely very much like us and close to us. The reason
they are “other” is because they deserve retribution from us. They owe us. They
have done us wrong in some way. We see them through eyes of hurt, anger, disappointment,
vengefulness. This other is not a stranger, but a wall has gone up between us
and them.
Matthew 18:15 identifies the relationship as a “brother.” Yet, it is a brother
who has sinned against us. This is a sibling who needs our mercy.
The Instruction, Mt. 18:15-20
it takes two to make a relationship (“If possible, so far as it depends on you,
live peaceably with all” Rom. 12:18), The Lord recognizes the possibility of
broken relationships. Yet, Jesus’ gives three mercy steps to take before
accepting that a relationship is broken.
1)Go to the person in private. Mercy is present in that the wrong is not
publically broadcast. The individuals have an opportunity to settle a matter
without public embarrassment.
2)Take along one or two others. Mercy is present in that the individuals have
opportunity, still out of the public eye, to be heard by and receive the
guidance of arbiters so that fairness and accountability prevail.
3)Tell it to the church. If the grievance is on-going, so great, and unsettled
in previous attempts at peace, then the body that is affected by the brokenness
within its members gets to express the desire of all for restoration, saving a
relationship and possibly a soul. This is mercy.
The Parable, Mt. 18:21-35
by Peter’s question of how often a disciple of Jesus must forgive an offender,
Jesus called for extreme mercy both by the numbers (7X70) and in a story. Jesus
related a situation in which a debtor pleaded for mercy from his creditor and
received even greater mercy than he asked for. Then, that mercy-receiver
refused a plea for mercy from his debtor, though his debtor asked for less
mercy than the man himself had asked for and been granted. When the original
creditor heard of this, he revoked the mercy once extended to the “wicked
servant.” The point of the parable was expressed this way: “Should you not have
had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?”
Suggested Questions
Who are some “others” you can identify in this parable?
What is the connection between mercy and forgiveness?
What are some positive motivations for showing mercy through forgiveness?
How is our forgiveness like God’s forgiveness or different from God’s forgiveness?
Why do many of us find forgiveness so difficult?
The king’s mercy seemed unconditional when offered to his servant. What condition was later revealed?
How did Jesus teach this same lesson but in ways other
than a parable?
See Mt. 6:12 For if you forgive others
their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not
forgive others their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.