with Danny Dodd
God be glorified! This is why we worship—to honor his name above all names, give thanks for his gracious love for us and gift of our Savior, and to give and receive encouragement from each other in the process. As always we appreciate your presence. Thank you for choosing to praise God with us.
I don’t use the word insidious often, but it came to mind as poison ivy resisted treatment and slowly spread over me. Insidious is defined as “proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.” Sin works that way also. Let’s always be on guard and not allow Satan a “foothold.” Poison ivy is a bothersome nuisance. Sin can destroy both body and soul.
I am sure you have noticed the quilts in the back of the auditorium. These, of course, are for our graduating seniors—a wonderful Levy tradition. Please take the time to sign them and congratulate our seniors. Pray for them too! Next Sunday, May 5, they will be honored during “Senior Day” at Levy with several activities also throughout the day. Jesse Stacy will preach. It promises to be a special day.
We had a great group of Leadership Training for Christ participants this year—along with a fantastic group of adults who helped them prepare. Tonight is a special banquet in their honor. Thanks to Sierra Gustafson, Nick Clemmons and a whole host of other folks for a job well done!
I continue to hear almost apocalyptical information and read supporting data indicating that the church is destined to doom. Less folks are attending; more people have bad impressions about church and Christians; the millennial generation has largely abandoned faith; and who knows what Gen Z will do. I do understand that the church faces real challenges—to connect; to overcome generations of scandals and human failure; to stop dividing and unite around Christ; and to do our best to speak truth in love to the upcoming generations. But the Bride of Christ has faced obstacles before—even greater then we currently face—and overcame to thrive. It is my prayer that God uses us—weaknesses and all—to be that alluring Bride; that we will be found faithful; and that we will share the Good News that Jesus lives! There is no obstacle we cannot overcome through the empowerment of God’s Spirit. Through it all let’s be faithful and lift up the risen Savior.
We say goodbye to the Telgren’s today. James, Andrea and Annelise are making the next steps to an eventual move to Tyler, MN where they will lead a church plant. We do wish them well and pray that God will bless their vision and ministry.
Have a productive week in the Lord. I love you church!