with Danny Dodd
Sundays are special. God designed them this way—to be the day when his people gather together to worship him and encourage each other. It is the day when we commune together; praise God in song, prayer and generosity together; proclaim the Good News of Christ together; and warmly greet one another in the Lord. Sundays are special! Your presence is special. Thank you for joining us on God’s special day.
We rejoice with the angels! Deborah Milam was baptized into Christ last week after spending time in God’s Word with Hugh and Tisha Hale. She is Charlie’s Roberson’s daughter. Please pray for her and welcome her!
Most schools are out for the summer this week. This includes our own Levy Christian Kindergarten. Elvada Ward, along with Carolyn Burt, continues to do a marvelous job with this ministry. Enrollment for next year is currently open.
“Sea of Miracles” is our theme for Vacation Bible School. The dates are June 6-12. When was the last time you volunteered for VBS? How about now? Please see Sierra Gustafson and join in on the fun. With vacations, mission trips, camps, summer jobs, and assorted summertime activities, it is easy to slip into a relaxed attitude about church involvement. Please work to prevent that! Keep Christ and his body a priority wherever the summer takes you. The work of the kingdom is just as important in the summer as in any season.
I love this quote from Christian author Bob Goff in his book, “Everybody Always”:
God calls the church His bride. It’s a beautiful metaphor, full of love and anticipation and commitment. Have you ever gone to a wedding where the bride walked in and a guy in row four held up a card with a “7” on it like they do in the Olympics, whispering to the person next to him, “I’ve seen better”? Of course not! The Bride steals the show. Every time. Do you know what makes the bride look terrific? It’s not the fancy dress or the building or the flowers or the music. Those things are great, but what makes the bride look terrific is everyone in the room knows the groom chose her to be his and she’s chosen him to be hers. The two of them can’t wait to spend forever together. I think this is the reason why God calls us His bride… Perhaps if we spent a little more time looking at the Groom, we’d start seeing ourselves the way He does. To God, we look just terrific.
So have a terrific week demonstrating the love of our Groom to all of the others we encounter!
I love you church!