Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry

Levy Church of Christ Children's MinistryWe love kids at Levy. Just come for a visit and you will immediately notice how important our children are to the Levy family. As a result, our children’s ministry is vibrant and growing. Here are some highlights of our children’s ministry:

Bible Classes for All Ages

Every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, we have classes dedicated to assist our children grow in the “wisdom and grace of God.”
Children’s Bible Classes are:
• Nursery (0 – 2 years)
• Preschool (3 years – Kindergarten)
• 1st – 2nd Grades
• 3rd – 4th Grades
• 5th – 6th grade girls
• 5th – 6th grade boys
If you are willing to serve for a quarter as a teacher or helper in our Wednesday night classes, please see Sierra Gustafson.

Children’s Bible Hour

Each Sunday morning all kids from age three through Kindergarten are invited to a special time of song and study designed just for them during the worship hour. Please note, this program breaks for the summer.


On Sunday mornings all fifth and sixth graders enjoy Bible classes and special activities geared just for them in the wonderfully welcoming section of classrooms known as The Bridge.


The Youth Action Kids are our 5-6 graders. Besides Sunday mornings on the Bridge, they have regularly schedule activities and events and attend the quarterly area-wide devotional known as CHAOS.

Leadership Training for Christ

Levy participates in the nationwide LTC program which is designed to help students in grades 3-12 develop as future leaders in the church, deepen their faith in Christ, and learn to serve God and others.


This stands for Growing, Achieving, and Preparing. GAP is designed to help our young boys and girls realize more specifically their leadership gifts in a practical way. GAP meets each Sunday night and gives our kids hands-on leadership experience.

VBS and other special seasonal events

Levy has an annual Vacation Bible School plus other seasonal events for children such as Trunk or Treat and Breakfast with Santa. These events are not just for Levy kids but for children in our community as well.

In addition we have training rooms, staffed nursery, and a mother’s nursing room available every Sunday during worship. If you are looking for a church who wants to surround children with the love of Christ- Levy is the place for you!

Sierra Gustafson - Children's Ministry
Sierra Gustafson – Children’s Minister