Be Mature
This passage begins with the picture of a baby and a bottle of milk, but its message is to grow up into spiritual maturity and completeness.
A second picture in this passage is a construction project. We do not want to be a building half-built. We are to become everything God has called us to be – complete and mature.
Living in the First Century World #4 The home in the first century was a highly valued institution both in the Roman and Jewish context. The home was an anchor for both cultures—with certain cultural expectations shaping it. To understand the world in which Jesus lived and in which the gospel flourished, it helps to understand the first century home. It is a Man’s World…
Going into Deep Waters
Involvement in Church
Are you an active or passive member? What does this mean? Dr. Everrtt Huffard speaks about the importance of being an active member rather than a spectator. We are all important and have gifts to share with others.
Herod’s Horror
Be Loving
Lesson 5
1 Peter 1:22-2:1, Be Loving
Love one another earnestly.
“Having purified your souls by obedience to the truth.” (1:22a), and “Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding world of God.” (1:23), a resulting command flows: “Love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” (1:22b).
Shepherd’s Surprise
Be Holy, for I am Holy
Lesson 4
1 Peter 1:13-21, Be Holy
The thematic verse for this section of 1 Peter is a quotation of Leviticus 11:44. “Be holy for I am holy.” (vs. 16). In conjunction with this call, God has made us a covenant with us, empoweres us, supplies a model, and provides a safety net.
“Be holy” means “behave”.
The Magi’s Quest
Be Great
Have you ever received star treatment? Have you enjoyed an occasion at which you were made the center of attention and all your wishes were catered to? You felt that you were great because you were treated as though you were great.
Every phrase in 1 Peter 1:10-12 tells Christians, though we are exiles and strangers in the world, that we are at the center God’s focus in…