Justice and Your Neighbor
Generous Justice, class #8
Justice and Your Neighbor
From Chapt. 4. Pg. 62-77
This chapter is all on the Good Samaritan Parable, Luke 10:25-37
Keller opens the chapter with some comments on the questioner.
He was “testing” Jesus with the “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” question. Being a lawyer and no doubt coming from a salvation by merit background, perhaps the…
Celebrate the Good News!
Justice in the Sermon on the Mount and in the Early Church
Generous Justice, class #7 From Chapt. 3. Pg. 54b-6. Keller notes the inclination of individuals and institutions to be concerned with either personal morality or social justice, but usually not both. God, on the other hand, joins the two equally. When this balance is taught and practiced, Keller…
Navigating the Culture of Social Media
Auditorium Bible Class with Cecil May
Generous Justice by Tim Keller: What Did Jesus Say About Justice? Keller contends that justice is not just an Old Testament concern. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Yet, in his zeal for souls, Jesus did not abandon the concern of the old covenant for justice in the lives of all people. Jesus showed a continued concern for justice issues.
Navigating the Culture of Moral Ambiguity
Justice and the Old Testament
Generous Justice, Tim Keller
Class #5. Justice and the Old Testament
From Chap. 2. Pg. 33-40
Navigating the Culture of Narcissism
Auditorium Bible Class with Cecil May
Generous Justice, Tim Keller
Class #4. Justice and the Old Testament?
From Chap. 2. Pg. 19-32
Preliminary Issues:
Keller opens with some interesting and familiar (especially to churches of Christ) comments on the change of covenant between the old and the new. He writes that ceremonial laws of the OT are fulfilled in Christ and that the civil laws of the OT reveal God’s…