Auditorium Bible Class with Barry Josephson
Navigating the Culture of Outrage
Generous Justice: Awaken Justice
Generous Justice, Tim Keller
Class #2. Awaken Justice
From Introduction (“Why Write This Book?”), pg. xviii-xxv
The Value of Water
Relevant Justice
Generous Justice, Tim Keller Class #1. Relevant Justice From Introduction (“Why Write This Book?”), pg. xiii-xviii This study is relevant because… As Messiah, Jesus pursues justice. Luke 4:17-18; Isaiah 42:1-7 Note the word “justice” three times in the first four verses. Keller’s theorem: “A true experience of the grace of Jesus Christ inevitably motivates a man or…
Think on These Things
The Others at the Cross
Others in Matthew, class 13: Matthew 27:32, 38-44, 54, 55-56 – An African, outlaws, a Roman officer, a collection of women, and a rich man.
A Good Combination
OTHERS: Those Not Like Us Economically
Assumptions: As a congregation, not as 600 individuals. Be like Westen Blevins. We know that God wants us to be helping others in need. Neighbors. Micah 6:8, Matthew 25, 100 one-another verses, Good Samaritan etc…
How do we do this today? RCM is one way. Each person does their own, Levy? America, 2 camps, Mercy vs Structure, or Hand out vs Hand up, or P&S vs Ladder. …