The Least of These – Danny Dodd
Why I Like Hezekiah – Cecil May
What is to Love About Hezekiah? 2 Chronicles 29-32
The Life and Times of the Kings
Our daily Bible reading text of 2 Chronicles 13-27 is filled with fascinating stories of the life and times of some of the kings of Judah and Israel (also shared with added detail in 1 Kings 15-2 Kings 15). Often these accounts of their reigns include palace intrigue, political maneuvering, wars, murder and incredible violence, as well as disregard for God and his…
Jesus is Here!
Sunday Bible Study – Cecil May
God Will Do What He Thinks is Best – Danny Sullivan
Sunday Bible Study with Cecil May
The Urgent Message of Judah
The New Testament book of Jude written in the second half of the first century (probably somewhere between 65-80) and most likely written by Christ’s brother, Judah, is a brief, but quite fascinating letter. There is a great urgency to it as Judah himself notes.