Nahum means “comfort or consolation” even though his prophecy was neither for Nineveh—its recipient (it was however for the nations that Assyria oppressed). The only biographical information we have about Nahum is the statement in 1:1 that he was from Elkosh and the location of that town is a mystery since it is nowhere else referred to in Scripture.
David and Bathsheba – Danny Dodd
Sunday Bible Study – Tom Kloske
Harvest Sunday with Daniel Napier from Croatia
Harvest Month – Daniel Napier from Croatia
What Healthy Church Leadership Looks Like
This is one way to consider Paul’s first letter to Timothy in the New Testament. Paul’s beloved church at Ephesus—the one he personally spent three years nurturing after its troubled beginning (Acts 19)—was in more trouble. Just as he had foreseen (Acts 20:29-31) “wolves” even from their “own number” had arisen to “distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after…
The Story of Ephesians
Harvest Month – Inner City Ministries with Greg Sublett and Keith Lape
Carol Lucille (Northam) Ruggles
Remember These Things
The story of the second epistle of Peter is quite fascinating. Likely written to the same collection of Christians and churches in some provinces of Asia Minor as his first letter, Peter sets out to correct some misunderstandings and expose some false teachers. There is urgency to his writing due to his impending death—foretold to him by Christ (1:14).