Peggy Sue McKinnon Mitchell
Let the Light Shine out of Darkness – Danny Sullivan
Harvest Month – Missions Resource Network
You Belong
The Ephesian church was troubled from the start (see Acts 19) and continued to experience challenges both typical and atypical to infant New Testament churches (see 1 & 2 Timothy and Revelation 2:1-7). The apostle Paul invested two years personally ministering to this group—developing a close, special relationship with them, while also foreseeing some of their future…
From Another Place
Harvest Month – Levy Missions
Levy Mission work discussed by the different ministries.
Christ’s Farewell
John shares a vivid and moving account of Christ’s last days with his closest disciples before his arrest and crucifixion in chapters 14-17 of his gospel. Contextually, 14:1-4 sets the tone for the overall text. Jesus is concerned about the fallout of the events that are about to take place—specifically how it will affect these men. He seeks to comfort them and to offer…