Sermon Archive (Page 43)

Sermon Archive (Page 43)

A Word from Amos

The Old Testament prophet, Amos, was an unlikely choice to be God’s preacher to his people. He was a poor shepherd and tree farmer from the backwater village of Tekoa. He had no training as a prophet, yet God called him anyway to speak His Word to the wealthy, urbane ruling class of the tribes of Israel to convict them over their hypocrisy and apathy. Predictably, his…

Jesus Is…

John’s gospel in the pages of the New Testament is quite extraordinary. Presenting a different perspective than the other three, the apostle John (Son of Zebedee) has an overarching purpose to his prose—that is to convince his readers beyond any doubt that Jesus of Nazareth is the one true Messiah sent by God to establish his kingdom and take away all sins. Everything…