Sermon Archive (Page 44)

Sermon Archive (Page 44)

He Prepared Us for This

TONIGHT – He Prepared Us for This. Leon Barnes END OF THE SUNDAY NIGHT SERIES: You are Invited to a Banquet–Matthew 22:1-14–Barry Josephson Ladies Bible Class – We will begin classes this Tuesday morning, September 4 at 9:30 a.m. in the Upper Room. We will continue our tradition of having a brunch; passing out books; and introducing our study. We welcome all…

Christ: Our Only Hope

TONIGHT in the auditorium – Christ: Our Only Hope: Karl McLarty, Searcy SUNDAY NIGHT SERIES: We are a Sowing People–Matthew 13:3-30, 36-43–Danny Sullivan SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 – Veteran’s Cookout – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Please come support our local veterans at the cookout. We need people to serve, greet and mingle with our former military. This…