2020 - Unashamed (Page 5)

2020 - Unashamed (Page 5)

Unashamed – In some ways to undertake this as a theme is ambitious—anchored as it is in the book of Romans—a rich, layered treasure of a theological dissertation on what it means to belong and be accepted in the kingdom of God based on the work and glory of God in Jesus. Shame and honor—particularly as this was understood in ancient culture played a major role. Being unashamed for us is often as simple as the definition—”not ashamed: being without guilt, self-consciousness, or doubt.” And while this is accurate—there is more to the biblical story than just this. Let’s look in context.

In Times of Trouble

While, to our knowledge, no Levy member has the virus, for the health and safety of every member of our family, we have decided to do a STREAMING ONLINE ONLY service until further notice.   At this time, this decision impacts all services THROUGH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18.  Bible classes will not be held. A decision about next Sunday will be made later this week.…