Sermons by Danny Dodd (Page 16)
The Olive Tree
The Legacy of Choseness
It is finished.
Psalm 57
God is our refuge! In this time of uncertainty, Danny shares the hope in His word.
In Times of Trouble
While, to our knowledge, no Levy member has the virus, for the health and safety of every member of our family, we have decided to do a STREAMING ONLINE ONLY service until further notice. At this time, this decision impacts all services THROUGH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18. Bible classes will not be held. A decision about next Sunday will be made later this week.…
Newness in Christ
Aliens and Strangers
With some understanding now of the cultural context in which the first Christians lived, perhaps we can appreciate more the challenges they navigated as they followed Jesus in a world that truly viewed them as “aliens and strangers”. Think about what living life in the first century meant for them.
2020 Cardboard Testimonials
Living in the First Century World #10 As to every other aspect of life, Christianity spoke into the sexual culture of the first century—and what was spoken, again like almost every other encounter, was a word from the Lord that challenged accepted norms and practices— and that was because the sexual culture within the Roman Empire was wide open: In many ways,…
During the first century Roman world, women were in no way considered equal to men—being systematically regulated to certain well-defined roles. There were variations within this system due to social standing, wealth and other factors, but for the most part in the Roman culture the woman’s main role was to marry (usually very young), have numerous children (due to the…