Sermons by Danny Dodd (Page 18)

Sermons by Danny Dodd (Page 18)

The Eagle and the Cross

The majority of the book of Acts plays out against the backdrop of the gospel intersecting, impacting and often changing the surrounding Roman-dominated culture. One example is detailed in Acts 19:23-41 where the proclamation of the gospel had a negative economic impact on artisans and merchants who crafted and sold household idols. They lost enough business as a result…


Living in the First Century World #4 The home in the first century was a highly valued institution both in the Roman and Jewish context. The home was an anchor for both cultures—with certain cultural expectations shaping it. To understand the world in which Jesus lived and in which the gospel flourished, it helps to understand the first century home. It is a Man’s World…


While Rome ruled the world Jesus was born into his daily life–along with the Jews in Palestine–was a bit removed from that seat of power. Certainly the Roman influence was felt in Nazareth, Jerusalem and throughout Israel, but the Jewish culture and religion dominated locally. This often created culture wars between Rome and Jerusalem and Palestine became infamous as a…


To understand the first century world and therefore to have a clearer background of the setting of the New Testament it is imperative to be informed about its context–the Roman imperial world. The New Testament is foremost the divine revelation of God, but it is also history and to better grasp the message of the revelation some knowledge of this history is crucial. The…