Sermons by Danny Dodd (Page 21)

Sermons by Danny Dodd (Page 21)

Naaman the Syrian

TONIGHT –Naaman the Syrian–– Danny Dodd Parenting Without Regret – with therapists Alan and Sherry Pogue – Upper Room.  Tonight and next Wednesday will focus on the parental teaching of discipline and purpose. The first class was a great introduction to the course. If you are a parent, we hope you will join the class on Wednesdays through February 27! IN…

Rahab the Righteous

TONIGHT –Rahab the Righteous?–– Danny Dodd Parenting Without Regret – with therapists Alan and Sherry Pogue – Upper Room.  Tonight and the next 3 Wednesdays will focus on the parental of teaching, discipline and purpose. The first class was a great introduction to the course. If you are a parent, we hope you will join the class on Wednesdays through February…

Jethro of Midian

We are introduced to Jethro as a part of the narrative of Moses in Exodus 2. After killing an abusive Egyptian, Moses escaped into Midian. There he intervened in a water access dispute on behalf of seven sisters. Their father was Jethro (or Reuel—some dispute here whether Jethro and Reuel are the same or if Reuel was Jethro’s father. The name Reuel means “friend of…