Great Sunday morning! Thank you for joining us to worship our wonderful God! As I always say, your presence means a great deal. Please continue to prioritize this gathering. God designed the faith community we know as church just for us. It is where we find acceptance, encouragement, love, affection, forgiveness, and family all based not upon our own merit, but upon the grace and mercy of God as lived our in Christ. We neglect it to our own spiritual detriment. Let’s not neglect it but rejoice in the privilege of worshipping together each Sunday!
How is your Bible reading going? We are one week in on our Bible reading program. I do hope that you are already noticing the benefits of regularly spending time in God’s Word. Keep up the good reading!
Sunday, January 28th is “Harding Day” at Levy. President, Dr. Bruce McLarty will be our guest speaker. Harding continues to bless the Levy family in numerous ways. This is our chance to recognize the university and celebrate Christian higher education. Please plan to be here!
Some Levites in the news: Well, in our family news anyway, we pray for a blessed union for Hugh Hale and Tisha Tarkington. Hugh plans to fully retire at the end of this month. We will certainly miss him around the office and serving as one of the ministers at Levy.
Also both Kerry Dare and Carole Smith were featured in a recent House Hunters episode on HGTV. We congratulate them on doing their job well.
Our Learning Levy class convenes today at 9 a.m. in the Family Room within the Ministry Center. If you are a new member or would like to know more about the Levy family then this class is for you!
Sunday, February 11 is our annual baby dedication celebration. Parents of 2017 newborns please plan to be here for this always-special occasion. Please see Sierra Gustafson for more information.
Many props go to Mark Deal for leading our warming shelter ministry and for all who work to support it. Obviously it has been greatly needed lately. What a wonderful ministry of compassion and care for the unsheltered in our communities.
Why not invite someone to worship with you this week? You never know how God can work through that. Expect him to do so and give it a shot!
I love you church!